Thursday, February 1, 2007

To Spice Blogs Up

Blogs with loads of vain pictures can actually take up more spaces than we realised. For a quick example, see me. Blogs with gazzillion of same coloured trebuchet-alphas and words will bore me to death, blogs which interests me are exceptional though. Rather spending your quality time on Adobe or Photoshop, why not try on slides, card generator etc. I found no-pix-blogs were not so dull and bored anymore, with the help of fancy old-looking library cards from, typically human beings called them the catalog card generator.

With loads of pix, just to grouped them into a batch, of one particular album that is "doggies" for instance, slide would be a perfect option. Given a choice of various eye-catching designs, borders, frames, skins and sizes. Easy yet not-time consuming.

Anyhow, it's shocking to know that I'm the last living thing on the E-earth who know stuffs about this. Come on, most of the bloggers knew what's slides and card generators. So, it IS shocking. And I'm very very outdated. As the old adage goes; it's never too old to learn.

Signing Out;
Master Whisky.De.Bordeaux